CALL FOR PARTNERS: Cross-Border, Interregional, Transnational Cooperation Operational Program

In accordance with the provisions of the GEO 40/2015 on the financial management of European funds for the period 2014-2020, and the GD no 93/2016 on the approval of the methodological norms for the application of the Government’s EO 40/2015, Nature Friends Banat Association launches a selection procedure for a Partnership Accord with public or private entities in order to submit a financing application through the Operations Program “Cross-Border, Interregional, Transnational Cooperation”, Priority Axis 1: Promoting employment work and improving basic services for inclusive growth, SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1.3 Employment and labor mobility.

The selection will be in accordance with the following requirements:

  • GEO 40/2015 on the financial management of European funds for the programming period 2014-2020;
  • GD no. 93/2016 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 40/2015 on the financial management of European funds for the programming period 2014-2020;
  • Methodology for the selection of partners for submitting applications for funding for projects implemented under the OPERATIONAL PROGRAM Cross-border, Interregional, Transnational Cooperation, 2014-2020.
  • Financing guide data
  • The general requirements that the partner must meet in order to be selected for the partnership to apply for funding for this project are provided in the OPERATIONAL PROGRAM Cross-border, Interregional, Transnational Cooperation 2014-2020:

Eligible activities / Eligible costs to be covered by the partnership project will be for a maximum of 12 months. Eligible activities are those mentioned in the Applicant's Guide, mainly based on the following main types of activities:

  • Creation of joint initiatives to remove barriers to access to education, training by acquiring new skills.
  • Creation of joint initiatives, including integrated services for young people.
  • Creating cross-border initiatives to harness potential and facilitate cross-border mobility.
  • Joint initiatives, cooperation, exchange of information / experience, especially among young unemployed, women and disadvantaged groups.
  • Developing cross-border adult education services.
  • Other activities such as horizontal activities, project management, public procurement and specific measures for information and publicity for the project.

The selection activity is based on the following principles:

  • Transparency
  • Nondiscrimination
  • Equal treatment

Effective use of European funds


In view of the activities to be carried out within the project, the partners will be relevant social actors, such as those entities whose activity within the project contributes directly to the achievement of the indicators and which will have a relevant role in achieving the general objective; namely NGO institutions, cultural, educational, etc., with competencies and experience in the following fields:

  • eco-educational
  • social inclusion
  • environmental protection


Minimum grant is 100,000 Euro, maximum grant is 500,000 Euro.

Co-financing of the beneficiary:

  • 2% for organizations in Romania
  • 15% for organizations in the Republic of Serbia

Details of the co-financing of the project are specified in the Applicant's Guide. The budget of the project will then be finalized with the project partners, depending on the activities.


Eligible beneficiaries' conditions:

  • Local and regional public authorities (county councils, local councils, municipalities, etc.);
  • National / regional public authorities / provinces, operating in the eligible area;
  • Other public institutions governed by public law (Prefect Institution, Health and Care Institutions, Educational Institutions and Research Institute);
  • Branch offices of national / regional public authorities active in the priority axis (registered and operating in the eligible area);
  • Schools and educational institutions;
  • Non - profit institutions and NGOs;
  • Religious institutions, legally constituted in accordance with the national legislation in force;
  • Chambers of Commerce and Regional Development Agencies;
  • Museums, cultural, sports and tourism institutions.


The co-financing rates are presented in the General Conditions Applicant's Guide - downloadable from

Applicants will consider that, in the event of a grant application in partnership with the Nature Friends Banat Association, each partner will bear their own contribution to their budget.


The evaluation of the partners will be done according to the field of competence, in descending order of the score, according to the grid below:

No. Evaluation Element Evaluation Criteria Max. Points
1 Experience of potential partners in the field of cultural projects. No projects – 0 points
1-2 completed projects – 2 points
≥3 completed projects – 5 points
2 Number of activities the partner wants to get involved in. 1 activity – 5 points
2 activities – 10 points
3 activities – 20 points
≥4 activities – 30 points
3 Number of relevant experts available, considering the requested partner profile. 1 expert – 5 points
2 experts – 10 points
≥3 experts – 15 points
4 Project specific experience. Organization of cultural events – 5 points
Benefited from public or direct public funds – 5 points
Realization of cultural inclusion activities – 5 points
Philanthropic actions – 5 points
5 Cross-border activities. 1 activity – 5 points
2 activities – 10 points
≥3 activities – 15 points
6 Proof of experience of at least 6 months in the field of project activities. between 6 and 12 months – 5 points
between 12 and 24 months – 10 points
more than 24 months – 15 points
Total 100

The partner who has accumulated the highest score will be selected. If there are two or more applicants who will get the same score, it will be the one who has the highest score for most criteria.

The selection dossier will include the following documents:

  • Statute / any other act of establishment of the organization specifying the types of activities carried out;
  • Letter of intent specifying the relevant activities for determining the score;
  • Statement on the sole responsibility of the legal representative that he / she respects the Generated Partner Rules for Grant Applications;
  • Any documents that the applicant / applicant considers relevant for awarding the score (financing contracts, partnership agreements, recommendations, authorizations, accounting records, CVs, employment contracts, diplomas, etc.);
  • List of human resources that can be made available to the project.


The organizations / companies interested in this partnership will submit the completed documents, signed and stamped by the legal representative, either in an envelope on which it will be specified: "To the attention of the Nature Friends Banat Association. For the selection of IPA Cross-border Program Partners "; the envelope will sent by mail to the Association of Nature Friends Banat, from the locality of Giroc, str. Cucului 4, ap. 7 Timis county, or they will be sent by mail to

The letters of intent arrived at the headquarters of the Banat Nature Friends Association until February 15, 2018, are considered.

Contact person Calin Ionescu


Any requests for clarification by applicants can be submitted within 2 days prior to submission of the files. Transmitting the answers to the requested clarifications will take place within 2 days.


The outcome of the selection procedure will be published on the association's website through a report comprising the information contained in the selection notice and information on the admitted and rejected candidates/tenderers participating in the selection procedure, and the score obtained by each of them. The selected partners will be contacted directly through the contact details provided in the Cover Letter.

Eligible partnership proposals will be selected and approved on the basis of evaluation by the selection board. The results of the selection procedure will be published on the site of the Nature Friends Banat Association.

The fact that an entity has been selected as a potential partner under this procedure does not create any obligation for the Nature Friends Banat Association if the application for funding has not been selected for funding. All activities carried out during the preparation of the financing application are not the subject of any financial claim or of any other nature for any party.

Selection as partner in the project to be submitted for funding does not impose any obligations on the Association of Friends of the Banat Nature or selected ones, except to the extent that the project was contracted and only for the elements agreed in the partnership agreement.

The Nature Friends Banat Association reserves the right to request additional supporting documents for the selected partners (eg Accounting balance, certificates etc) before the conclusion of the partnership agreement.

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